Current Offerings

Deep healing
radical joy,

Shamanic Work

Sourcing from Peruvian Mountain Shamanism, you will be held in a container of trauma-informed healing, remembering, and empowerment through visionary soul work.

All sessions are held virtually.
Schedule a 15 minute introduction today

If you’re looking to shift your internal narrative, a repetitive pattern, or unwind ancestral trauma- soul retrieval is a great option. This somatic and intuitive process takes place during 3 (remote) sessions.

In this hour session, we will work with a theme through various applicable trauma-informed Shamanic techniques, Expressive Arts, Somatic Exercises, Perceptual Shifting

15 minute Tarot, Oracle, or iChing

Available to join a training, yoga teacher training, or join your community to host a trauma-informed workshop that benefits and serves everyone who attends.

Can personalize 1:1 retreats, family retreats, and micro leadership retreats. We source from Nature Based Philosophy, Yoga, Mindfulness, Expressive Arts and more while creating space for joy.

Working with Blaire

“ I have felt a tremendous shift in my body and mind. “

Doing Soul Retrieval work with Blaire was well worth the step outside of my comfort zone! In my work, we recognize that unconscious patterns lead us to self-sabotage. But often our own blindspots are ourselves.

Blaire helped me to identify the contracts that I have undertaken and helped me to re-write them to a more supportive contract. Using the tools from the Spirit world, and then creating in the physical, I have felt a tremendous shift in my body and mind. I recommend working with Blaire, ESPECIALLY if there is any on-going physical ailments that have been difficult to recover from.
Erica McQuown
Family Ayurveda

“ Blaire guided me to the beginning of a pathway towards finding myself. “

Blaire offered to do a soul retrieval with me during a personal crisis I was experiencing in regards to a mother wound I was dwelling in. I was feeling raw, emotional, and scared. Blaire helped me identify old stories I was holding on to and empowered me to write new ones that are sitting on my desk as a daily reminder of my strength. It's been a long journey since our work together but Blaire guided me to the beginning of a pathway towards finding myself, gathering the pieces, and healing that I am currently still navigating. For that, I am truly grateful. Blaire is sensitive, intuitive, and supportive as a friend and guide. I highly recommend her services!
Performance Artist, Activist, D/MT in Training

“ Blaire is an engaging and enthusiastic facilitator. “

Blaire is an engaging and enthusiastic facilitator with boundless creativity. Her varied experience and expertise enables her to instruct those doing the work with intuitive multimodality. Expect to learn much from her and in the language which you learn best.
Actor and Comedian

“I was feeling so stuck and anxious. ”

I had such an amazing experience with Blaire as she guided me through my emotional soul retrieval. I was feeling so stuck and anxious, and unable to let go of some emotions and events that were holding me back from feeling whole. Throughout this whole process Blaire checked on me, and helped be my guide as I emerged more whole and centered. I am continuing to practice our work together and feel like my energy has been restored! I am moving forward with an open mind, and open heart and ready to grow in my repaired soul. It is so important to me to become the best version of me I can be for myself and my family, and I have noticed such a positive change. I cannot recommend working with Blaire enough, she is so bright and genuine, and is helping me to become the best version of myself. Her energy is profound, and you can feel it even if you are not able to meet face-to-face!
Nurse and Mother dedicated to unraveling familial patterns

“ She changed my life.“

She is magic. She changed my life. Her teachings her love her intentions all of it there’s no price tag that will amount to her value. She makes you feel seen and heard like your the only person in the room. Her energy for life is magnetic. She brought so much love & intention to this space. Her teachings gave me tools for the rest of life and left me craving more. I hope to do this again with her in many more future moments!
Bodyworker, Healer, Intuitive

“ Her experience was spot on. “

A few weeks ago, I did a soul retrieval session with Blaire. What was really cool about this session is she just talked to me for a few minutes, and then journeyed on her own. She came back to me (on zoom) within about 30 minutes to share what she had seen.

Her experience was spot on. She came back to me with all kinds of descriptions about what her journey was like. And little things like - the color of the curtains she saw as she entered - were significant in my life and my family. Specifically, we were working with soul contracts, the subconscious agreements I have made in this life, and we were working with familial contracts that have been in my lineage for some time.

She saw three, the first two, were so clear. I was immediately like, yep, that’s me. But the last one was a little more challenging for me to decipher. So she sat with me for a while as we worked through what it could mean, and how to transform it. She walked me through a couple of exercises that opened up what that contract actually meant to me, and how I embody it. Then, over the next few days, I had a few assignments to do on my own, and she checked in along the way.

Here’s the biggest piece that I discovered. The contract that felt challenging to me was, “I destroy.” At first I was confused, because I’ve always felt pretty passive. I’ve felt like others destroy me, if anything. So as we looked at it, I saw a bunch of things. I saw how my experience with others destroying me had me feel afraid of being my full self, for fear of destroying them. I saw how my body goes in to automatic protection, to avoid the inevitable destruction. And in that protection, there are lies, that keep me trapped in this cycle. Specifically, I saw how my parents did this, and how I learned to love via this overprotection, instead of honest care. And when we worked on it, I saw that, for me, the opposite of destroy was ‘honesty’.

My new contract became “I am honest,” and this, mixed with the whole experience of Blaire holding me in the process, allowed me to see new possibility which I had not seen before. It allowed me to see that I can actually be passionate and strong and firm on what I believe, without pushing on others, or creating some sort of power over them. It allowed me to see that there is a world outside of victim - predator - rescuer that I had not seen before. One where I am neither oppressed nor oppressing, but I can have strong values and be clear about who I am.

I guess, ultimately, my old contract had me tied to a nasty way of ego - all about being “better than” (or inevitably feeling worse than). But this experience opened up a new sense of self. A new way of being clear with who I am and what I believe in, without harming others, or myself.

Ultimately, it showed me that there is a lot of healing to do in my family, my lineage, and myself, but it shifted that experience out of the conversation of good or bad, and into the world of possibility and truth.

Since then, I have been navigating and integrating this. It still comes up, but it’s much more clear when it’s present, and new ways of being are unfolding.
Blaire was absolutely amazing. She was there for me throughout the whole process. At one point, she asked me if I wanted to re-write the contracts with her, or alone, and when I said with her, she stayed and worked on them with me for as long as I needed. She was such a great space holder for me to have my own realizations, but simultaneously gave spirit-driven nudges in the direction I needed.
Jessie Levine
Embodiment Coach and Practitioner

Free Book Club

Are you interested in re-prioritizing your Spiritual life? This book club serves as an opportunity to engage with like minded community, bi-weekly, through thoughtful discussion, expressive arts, somatic bodywork, and poetry.

Fall/Winter will be our First Book Club




The deepest gratitude to Nina Konjini for her immense and quiet ability to empower. Thank you, Nina.